Comming Soon

Code Only (Without ACF Integration)
<?php /* Template Name: Home Page */ ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <?php $tmp_dir = get_template_directory_uri() . "/images/"; ?> <!-- comming soon 1 --> <section id="comming-soon" style="background-image: url('/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/photo_2023-12-28_22-14-06.jpg');"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="comming-body"> <h1> Website is under construction. </h1> <h2> Our anticipated launch date is: January 5th, 2024 </h2> <h3> Meanwhile feel free to call: (512)-797-3683 </h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- comming soon 1 end --> <?php get_footer(); ?>
/*-- comming soon 1 ---------------------------------------*/ #comming-soon { background-size: cover; height: 100vh; display: grid; align-items: end; padding-bottom: 4%; padding-left: 23%; background-position-x: center; } #comming-soon h1{ font: normal normal normal 70px/94px Segoe UI; letter-spacing: 0px; color: #000000; text-shadow: 0px 3px 6px #00000029; margin: 0px; margin-bottom: 15px; } #comming-soon h2{ font: normal normal normal 56px/74px Segoe UI; letter-spacing: 0px; color: #000000; text-shadow: 0px 3px 6px #00000029; margin-bottom: 15px; } #comming-soon h3 { font: normal normal normal 40px/53px Segoe UI; letter-spacing: 0px; color: #000000; opacity: 1; } @media(max-width: 1600px){ #comming-soon h1 { font: normal normal normal 60px/60px Segoe UI; margin-bottom: 10px; } #comming-soon h2 { font: normal normal normal 46px/50px Segoe UI; margin-bottom: 10px; } #comming-soon h3 { font: normal normal normal 30px/43px Segoe UI; } } @media(max-width: 1200px){ #comming-soon { background-size: cover; height: 100vh; display: grid; align-items: end; padding-bottom: 4%; padding-left: 10%; background-position-x: center; } } @media (max-width: 992px) { #comming-soon{ background-image: url('/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2.jpg') !important; } #comming-soon { background-size: cover; height: 100vh; display: grid; align-items: end; padding-bottom: 14%; padding-left: 15%; background-position-x: center; } #comming-soon h1 { font: normal normal normal 45px/50px Segoe UI; margin-bottom: 10px; } #comming-soon h2 { font: normal normal normal 36px/40px Segoe UI; margin-bottom: 10px; } #comming-soon h3 { font: normal normal normal 25px/33px Segoe UI; } } @media(max-width: 768px){ #comming-soon { background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/3.jpg) !important; background-size: cover; height: 100vh; display: grid; align-items: end; padding-bottom: 5%; padding-left: 0%; background-position-x: center; } } /*-- comming soon 1 END ---------------------------------------*/
You should create new page tmp_home.php and mode it main page